Setting Up the KX3 to work with Fldigi and Windows 10 (Part 2)

Welcome Back! Did you get your hardware all set up? Great. Now, lets get to Fldigi and set it up to work with our KX3.

Go ahead and open Fldigi. The first thing we are going to do is set up Rig Control. Click on Configure - Rig Control.

Once there, click on the Hamlib tab. Be sure to check the Use Hamlib check box. Then choose Elecraft K3/KX3 (Beta) for rig. For device use the Com port you discoved your KX3 was using in Part 1. In my case it is Com 5. The rest of my settings are:
Retries - 3
Retry Interval - 600
Write delay - 0
Post write delay - 100

Baud rate - 38400 (that is default for the KX3)
Stopbits - 1
Polling Interval- 250
Mode Delay 200
Sideband - Rig Mode

Then check the following two boxes:
PTT via Hamlib command
Audio on Auxiliary Port

Once you have all that click on Initialize. Once you have done that you should see the frequency readout in Fldigi change to what is on your KX3. If it did not change confirm all your setting, especially the device (com port).

Save the configuration then close.

Now lets configure the sound card. Click on Configure - Soundcard.

Once there click on the Devices tab. Click the Port Audio box. The capture device should be the microphone we identified in Part 1 and the Playback should be the speaker/headphone jack we identified in Part 1 as well. I've left all the other setting at default.

Now, lets test it. Click on the little phone book (Open List). I like to use 14070 most of the time but depending on band conditions you may need to use a different band. So click on 14070 and the KX3 frequency should change to 14070.

If the mode on your radio is not Data, go ahead and press the Data button. Alternatively you can chose PKTUSB from the drop down menu on the left under the frequency. Tweak your volume until you can see some signals and decodes on the left.

Congratulations. You have set up Fldigi to work with your KX3.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact me. I'm good on QRZ.

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