Parks on the Air

One of my new passions is Parks on the Air (POTA). I didn't get a chance to participate in the ARRL's National Parks on the Air (NPOTA). I found out about Parks on the Air on Cale Nelson's Ham Radio 360.

Parks on the Air is part of the World Wide Flora & Fauna. The US parks fall under KFF-WWFF. There are currently over 4,000 sites that can be activated in the US.

My first site I activated was in North Carolina when I visited my daughter, Toni. That gave me the bug and now I'd like to activate more. Last week I activated KFF-1829 - Alafia River State Park. There are 10 parks within an hour drive of my house and I hope to activate most of them this year.

The equipment I use for my activations is:
7ah SLA Battery (optional)
American Morse KK1B Strait Key
LNR 10/20/40 Trail-Friendly antenna or
BuddiPole Antenna

All except the BuddiPole fits into a padded camera backpack to make it very compact.

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